Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Time!

One of the many holidays that the American culture of today has ruined. Anyone remember what Christmas is really all about?

I do have to admit, My Christmas went pretty well. For the first time in years, I wasn't alone. I had someone to complain to about how the true meaning of Christmas has been altered.

Don't get me wrong, the 'Ruined' version of an American Christmas isn't bad. I enjoy the idea of giving gifts and the warm fuzzy feeling that we get when someone opens that gift. Its just that, that isn't what its all about.

Okay, new topic....well, kind of.

The holiday season always opens old wounds. Brings up things in my mind I try to keep locked away all year long. The evil seems to creep forward from the hollow parts of my mind. Remembering those that I've lost. Thinking about this, I'm too young to have lost so many people. Close friends, boyfriends, family members. It is insane. I understand that some people just have to go, but why do people I hold close to my life have to go? It isn't fair. I say that all the time. It isn't fair that bad things happen to good people. But, I guess that is just how life has to go. Even if I don't agree.

And now to one of the many things I dread about the holidays. It is also one of the best things about the holidays.


Family is one of the things I can always fall back on. Yet, family seems to cause me the most drama. I've heard this before. I think my Mom told me this when I was younger. Damn it, I hate it when she is right. Don't tell her. My family wasn't that bad this year. Of course, I had a special someone with me, so I think that may have changed the outlook for my family. They all were quite good. I'm proud of them.

My overall opinion of Christmas 2010:
Not that bad. I wasn't alone. I was given some nice things. And I'm alive.

Merry Christmas Everyone.
I hope you are blessed and stay safe.

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