Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ringing in 2011


A new year, I made it through another year. Dealt with the break up of my ex fiance, the break up with Derek, all the family stuff that went down, and moving into my first apartment. Looking back over these past 12 months, I'm proud of myself. I didn't have an insane mental break down, throw my hands up and quit, or ignore everything. I guess mom and dad did prepare me for adulthood. Way to go guys, I'm not a total failure.

Where do I want to be a year from now? That's a damn good question. Makes me think, I want to get back to school. My college schooling was put on hold and I want to get back. I'd like to develop a closer relationship with my dad. It seems like ever since I graduated from high school, we have grown way apart. Its depressing. Another thing I'd like to do this year is get my music on track. As much as I love writing, I don't do it as often as I want to. Id also like to be totally comfortable with myself.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Attack of the Panda Cat

My cat's name is Panda. He looks just like a panda. I love him but he gets annoying.

1 - He snores. Very loud and all the time.

2 - He wakes me up at retarded hours in the morning to be fed. He'll chew on my hair, climb all over me, and meow in my face. Now matter how often I throw him off my bed, he continues to jump back up on my bed and tries again and again.

3 - Ever since my roommate moved out and took her cats, he has continuously ran around the house and meows all the time. Very loudly. And it is quite annoying.

Don't get me wrong, I love my cat with all my heart and he is my boy. I want nothing more for him to be with me always. If I never have a child, I'm perfectly fine with having him.

I miss my dog, Noodle. She's half sharpei and half lab. Cutest thing in the world. My mom insisted on her staying with her and not moving in with me. Quite depressing, I know. But she's the best dog ever. Its funny, I begged my parents for a dog all my life and then they got me one the year before I went to college.

When I lived in the dorms on campus, I had goldfish. The first two I had were named Piderman and Cupcake. I came home one day to find both of them dead. My lovely drug addict roommate put bleach in the fish bowl. Awesome roommate, huh? She ended up getting kicked out of the campus.

Oh, the past. Gotta love remembering all that fun stuff.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Time!

One of the many holidays that the American culture of today has ruined. Anyone remember what Christmas is really all about?

I do have to admit, My Christmas went pretty well. For the first time in years, I wasn't alone. I had someone to complain to about how the true meaning of Christmas has been altered.

Don't get me wrong, the 'Ruined' version of an American Christmas isn't bad. I enjoy the idea of giving gifts and the warm fuzzy feeling that we get when someone opens that gift. Its just that, that isn't what its all about.

Okay, new topic....well, kind of.

The holiday season always opens old wounds. Brings up things in my mind I try to keep locked away all year long. The evil seems to creep forward from the hollow parts of my mind. Remembering those that I've lost. Thinking about this, I'm too young to have lost so many people. Close friends, boyfriends, family members. It is insane. I understand that some people just have to go, but why do people I hold close to my life have to go? It isn't fair. I say that all the time. It isn't fair that bad things happen to good people. But, I guess that is just how life has to go. Even if I don't agree.

And now to one of the many things I dread about the holidays. It is also one of the best things about the holidays.


Family is one of the things I can always fall back on. Yet, family seems to cause me the most drama. I've heard this before. I think my Mom told me this when I was younger. Damn it, I hate it when she is right. Don't tell her. My family wasn't that bad this year. Of course, I had a special someone with me, so I think that may have changed the outlook for my family. They all were quite good. I'm proud of them.

My overall opinion of Christmas 2010:
Not that bad. I wasn't alone. I was given some nice things. And I'm alive.

Merry Christmas Everyone.
I hope you are blessed and stay safe.